How To Make Watching Porn Even Better

We’re all doing it: Watching porn. The data is not to be argued with. Pornography is responsible for a huge chunk of all internet traffic. And this is a safe space; so you, as well as myself, can admit that we have contributed to it. And that’s perfectly fine. I still contribute to it, and make my own porn! Just look at the PornHub stats of us being stuck at home.

Pornhub coronavirus stats

Since we’re all stuck at home, you might have run through your normal porn watching routine so much that it can get less and less exciting. So how do we keep things hot while we’re socially distancing? Porn can be a safe, fun way to explore your sexuality, and creating the right atmosphere is just as important as the porn itself. Unlike IRL sex, watching porn spreads no diseases, leads to zero pregnancies, and doesn’t shame you for your desires (unless, you know, you’re into that). Plus, using porn to satisfy one’s sexual needs is safe, and convenient. And it can even be used as a sex aid for IRL sex, as many couples can attest.

Immerse yourself in Porn

Watching VR Porn will make you feel as though you are actually there in the movie itself! A virtual world could also be a place where someone could try out some of their tastes that they think are wildly unconventional or even dangerous. The scale for VR Porn is what makes it so incredible. While there is a ton of POV porn out there seeing someone seemingly up close and personal like that is different. Unless you watch porn on a very large screen, people in porn videos are almost always quite small, relatively speaking. It’s almost startling to encounter them at true, human scale in all their sweaty jiggling glory.

The dopamine reward in the brain with Virtual Reality Porn is unmatched; you put in minimum effort for maximum reward. It captures all your senses, you have the biggest orgasms of your life, and as a result, your brain and body loves it! You can even turn your phone into a VR Headset by getting Google Cardboard. You can focus on whatever you want, whether it’s down at the naughty bits, lovingly up into your virtual partner’s eyes, over into the corner of the room, trying to identify the books on the shelf.

man in black crew neck t-shirt wearing black sunglasses holding black smartphone


When you are watching porn movies you can use any different types of sex toys in tandem with what you’re watching. For example, if you are watching an adult movie which has a famous porn star in it, you may be able to buy a stroker or dildo that has been molded directly from their bodies. Or even more interactive yet, get yourself an interactive stroker that you can sync to your VR Porn and get a totally immersive experience

Creating sexy space

There are a lot of things in life that you can’t control or you can’t improve quickly, but your bedroom is a place you have control and you can tailor it to yourself. Your bedroom tends to be a pretty good expression of how you are feeling about yourself at that point in time, and is completely covered in your pheromones. A sexy bedroom is ideal, but you also want it to be a bedroom that supports your love for yourself as well as for others. So think outside of bedroom cliches, and try to focus on elements that represent who you really are deep down. Think in terms of personal, comfortable and curated. Clean your room and find more tips here.

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Make it a team effort

If you want to watch porn with your significant other or sexy friend, you should discuss each other’s preferences beforehand. No one wants to be triggered by something avoidable during sexy time. So communicate not only fantasies you’re turned on by, but specific adult content you would not like to watch. There’s a bunch of options for VR Porn, which opens up even more possibilities especially during quarantine. Just think of watching a orgy scene with a VR headset while your partner teases you IRL. Get creative and play with gender, pairings, or new and exciting sex acts.

man sitting beside woman while picking popcorn
  • Ask, “What type of porn would you want to watch?” Also ask, “What type of porn would make you uncomfortable?”
  • Never force anyone to watch something that makes them uncomfortable.
  • Don’t interrogate your partner, and don’t be angry if they are not interested in watching porn. Start with talking about fantasies.

Pay for your porn

Did you know you have better orgasms when you pay for your porn? Ethically minded media consumers probably take care to pay for movies, books, and TV they want to support, so what about ethical consumption of pornography? Bottom line is support performers and if you enjoy porn you should be paying for it. Especially VR Porn that requires special equipment to produce!

Move Your Body

Sometimes if we’re solo we tend to be a lot stiffer. We more often then not tend to be not move our body, except for the starring hand. And that’s not really helpful to pleasure. Our body needs to move, our hips are made for thrusting. This is a feels more organic and natural. You will notice that your energies move very differently as soon as your entire body is moving. If you think of it in terms of Tantra, when your hips are moving, your sexual energy has the tendency to get unstuck. So get moving and bring excitement into your solo or partnered porn experience.

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